Our Mission

"Our mission is to empower underprivileged communities through education, healthcare, and advocacy. We are dedicated to creating positive change by providing access to essential resources, promoting social justice, and fostering environmental sustainability. Through collaboration, we aim to build a brighter, more equitable future for all."

Community Service

Our foremost objective is to serve the community with dedication and compassion, we aim to foster sustainable community development, empowering individuals and enhancing their quality of life.

Education Promotion

We are committed to promoting education by providing access to quality learning opportunities, resources, and scholarships for underserved individuals.

Cultural Preservation

Our mission includes the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage within the community, celebrating diversity and fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.

Our Team

Our team is comprised of passionate individuals who are committed to making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Uttam Tripathy


Mr. Tripathy leveraging his extensive experience in community development and social entrepreneurship, alongside his leadership background in the public sector, is deeply committed to oranization service for marginalized communities.

Mohammad Arif


Mr. Arif expertise in project management and grassroots mobilization drives our initiatives forward. His dedication to social justice and inclusive development inspires our team and partners alike.

Rejuan Ali


Mr. Rejuan brings a wealth of experience in community advocacy and nonprofit management, coupled with his background in social work and grassroots mobilization. He is deeply committed to fostering social change and uplifting marginalized populations.

Sanjit Maity


Mr. Maity is a seasoned leader with a strong background in grassroots activism and humanitarian work. His strategic vision and commitment to social responsibility propel the Trust's mission, ensuring effective governance and resource mobilization for lasting change.

Dr. Haru Mallick


Mr. Mallick background in education and advocacy ensures the effective implementation of our educational programs. Her passion for empowering youth and fostering leadership skills creates lasting impact within the communities we serve.

Ejaj Ahmad Mallick


Mr. Ejaj proficiency in financial management and resource allocation ensures transparency and accountability in all our operations. His strategic financial planning maximizes the impact of our initiatives.

Sultana Khatun


Ms. Sultana coordinates our volunteer program, recruiting and managing volunteers to support our activities. Her organizational skills and passion for community engagement ensure that volunteers have a meaningful and rewarding experience contributing to our cause.


Step into the heartwarming world of social service through the lens of our NGO's gallery exhibit, "Voices of Empowerment." This captivating display invites you to witness the transformative impact of our collective efforts in communities near and far.
Social Awareness

Social Awareness


Social awareness drives positive change by highlighting key issues like poverty, inequality, and environmental sustainability. Through education and action, we can build a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.

Basic Needs Distribution

Basic Needs Distribution


Basic needs distribution involves providing essential resources like food, water, shelter, and healthcare to those in need, particularly during crises. It's a collaborative effort to ensure immediate relief and long-term resilience in communities.

Food Distribution

Food Distribution


Food distribution involves providing essential food supplies to individuals and communities in need, ensuring access to nourishment particularly during crises. It requires careful coordination among various stakeholders to efficiently deliver food to distribution points and address hunger and food insecurity.

Get in Touch


Find us at the office

Neradeul, Keshpur, Paschim Medinipur, 721260

Give us a ring

Mohammad Arif                                                               +91 9932914141                                                                Mon – Fri, 9:00AM - 9:00PM

Contact Us